Originally Posted by Ronbo
Never really understood why they kept the SLR with digital cameras. (unnessasary since there's no film involved)
You just want through the lens viewfinding (no optical viewfinder). What the lens sees, you see.
Jamo makes a very good point, my Nikon 5200 sees a lot more use than my 8700 (as does my cell phone which gets used the most). The 8700 has the best picture quality because of the lens, but it's bulky.
You really don't need all those lenses anymore if the camera has high resolution, photoshop the image down to what you want, still beats film. The current digitals can beat image quality of the old medium format (2 1/4") film cameras and are rivaling the large format ones.
I never understood why they keep using those big block v8s in Cobra replicas when a Toyota Prius motor will get the job done with better gas mileage.
Well, I have a 9MP FUJI point and shoot. It works out nice for snapshots, but the small sensor in no way comes close to the 12.1MP full frame sensor on my DSLR. On the point and shoot, if you turn the ISO up to 1000 the noise is awful. On the DSLR, you turn the ISO up to 6400 and you can still make poster size enlargements. I doubt the 9MP point and shoot can make a decent poster sized print at it's lowest ISO setting.