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Ok, I have been out there chasing my tail again.
I thought I was onto a winner with the radiator hose sucking in, tested this first thging this morning, started teh car and revved to 4000rpm, no problem revved a little higher and it started to suck in. Then thought I better try it when engine is upto temp and cooling system is pressureised, well it did not happen once warmed up, and when driving it never gets revved that high.
100kph is about 3200rpm, and the does not suck in till close to 6000rpm.
So I checked for air flow, could see no blockages anywhere, and I refitted the under vehicle shields and splash trays and refitted a new thermostat, drove again, still no good.
So I am now pulling out the brand new radiator, as I am confident that the water pump is moving the water fast enough (as evidence by the fact that the water cavitated and sucked the radiator hose in).
Will get the tanks pulled of at local radiator shop and see what is in there.
Even though it is new, there are too many things pointing at it being the fault.
If it has closed cores not due to foreign material there is going to be a very cranky phone call to Adrad.
Cruising in 5th
Never be afraid to do something new, Remember, Amateurs built the Ark: Professionals built the Titanic.