I'm sure we have some Shelby mustang fan 's here . So here is my rant , I keep reading stuff like " the 67' is the most highley coveted of all shelby mustangs " I ve even seen doctoreed price timelines that have them as more $ than a 68' in the ninety's . Ecuse me ? the 67 has always been the red headed step child , I have the old price guiodes and mag articles to prove it . That damn movie hasv all these posers thinking and paying for 67 like its the $#!+ . I was at a mustang show about a year after the movie and this kid with a 68 says "its like the one in the movie" , I say " Ya but its better cause its a 68 " thinking what a douche . The king is a 68' KR... always has been . There I feel better , please comment .
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