Should there be a "confidential survey of customers satisfaction" on cars they bought new or built as a kit?
It would seem this type of survey would be very valuable to potential buyers of cars and avoid frustration and some rip offs. I know of times that previous customers are aware of problems with companies but are reluctant to say anything for fear of not getting parts they are still owed, or a afraid it will devalue their car. The end result is it creates a pyramid scheme type of effect where the last customers buying are the last to find out they are the biggest losers. In some cases your deposit may be paying for the last guys windshield he is owed. If you go to car shows enough and you talk to replica cars builders, you find that many of companies are no longer in business.
First, several questions would have to be answered. Just to start I would think there might be three categories. One for new finished cars, without engines and trans, then rollers that are not painted, then kits.
Second, there would have to be questions developed for each group. The questions would need to take into consideration the cost vs. value, so it is fair.
There are a lot of other questions, but would it be of value, or would it be better that the secrets be kept secret?