Why couldn't they just do what Shelby did with the Gurney Hump. Also the seats can be lowered and other things changed that would not compromise safety in any way. I just don't like hand made cars that you have to read what is painted on them to tell what make they are supposed to be. Also they have killed all innovations by the crews. so nothing gets improved on the models made by the actual manufacturers any more because of some racing mechanic coming up with a good idea.
Sorry Don, on most things we agree but I will never and never have liked this NASCAR car. If they want to race it and control everything themselves, then change the name from NASCAR and I wouldn't have that much of a problem with it as they wouldn't be trying to push something off on the public that is as phony as some of their rules.
EDIT: New rules and specs for spoilers.
Now that was a funny remark and I wonder if we will see all of the drivers show up with black gloves after this.