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Good to hear that the snow is going away. Is there any chance of flooding anywhere around near you if it melts to fast? I had e-mails from friends in other states back East and they are worried about flooding if it suddenly jumps into the 60s and 70s and some of the ice in the smaller rivers breaks lose and is in the run off as the streams will already be over their banks in places.
EDIT: Most of you are probably already aware of this but there is an F! Key Virus that can cause you problems if yu press the F1 Key because of a prompt from some website. It seems to deal mostly with the using of the Windows Help files, but Snopes has verified it and has some links to Microsoft sites that will tell you how to work around it for now.
Last edited by Ron61; 03-09-2010 at 06:40 AM..
Reason: To add virus warning