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Thanks for the technical advice guys. I've just found a way to mount front swaybar bushings on my LAX. There's no low frame forward of the front cross member. I've read many threads on this subject and there are two extreme views: 1. Springs are so stiff that a S.B. is not needed. 2. You need one but don't bother with a stock Miata that easilly fits. Miata racers and auctocrossers replace stock with a heavier bar. So, if Sway Bars are hardened and tempered alloy steel, I really can't modify somebody's stock bar by torch heating, welding, or an un-cooled cut-off wheel. Also, 30-38 Rc is too hard to cut threads into. I like Ralphy's idea of cutting a stock bar, milling flats on each end, and making my own arms to link with the lower controll arm through Heim joints.: I'll have to be careful with stock bars as many of them are hollow. 3DSMILE: