Originally Posted by RodKnock
First, if choose to, it's my G-d given right to do nothing. Second, why would I want an unlimited amount of these cars on the road? We need better air.
If you are so worried about the air then why don't you stop driving yours? I too have my SB-100 number but would like to see others have a chance to get them.
Remember the 30-year exemption? It was frozen at 1975 after someone tried to change it to exempt all cars 25 years or older.
Wasn't that the law that was originally supposed to roll it back one year each year? From 1975, to 1974 the next year and so on. I believe it that is the one I am thinking of that a couple of people around here were just waiting for the next year to roll it back so they could build wild rides out of their 1974 cars.