Originally Posted by dcdoug
2) When finding TDC for each cylinder, is there any problem with backing up the engine a bit if I go to far? Or is TDC not that sensitive? After pulling the plugs, and getting #1 on the compression stroke, my plan was to use a wooden dowel in the spark plug hole to determine TDC for each cylinder. If I feel the piston starting to go back down, can I back it up? Not sure this is even possible, but I have seen it suggested, although I have also read that you should never back the engine up. Thoughts? Suggestions?
You don't have to do all that. The simple, tried and true method that has been done since the Romans lashed their horses is as follows:
1. Rotate the engine until the exhaust rocker goes down to open the exhaust valve. Set the INTAKE lash to your setting.
2. Rotate the engine until the intake rocker comes up to close from its full lift position. Set the EXHAUST lash to your setting.