Hi Spook,
My first post but have been a looking through the window for quite some time.
I am going through this circus with my Superformance Mark III at the moment. I would rather go to the dentist and have all my teeth pulled and then have them put back in without anesthesia!!
The NSW RTA moves the goal posts and ups the ante at every turn. The biggest problem is that they are not consistent.
In my case they have refused to accept the Victorian engineering paperwork which leaves me with having it engineered again and we all know the hoops involved with that.
If I were to do it again, and I don't usually want to hit my thumb with a hammer twice, I would demand it be registered in NSW before handing over any $.
Just my bitter and twisted feedback.
Either I am hard to get moving - or - once moving hard to stop.
Hmmm, what the heck did Newton know anyway.