Originally Posted by Merv and Sharon
I recall many years ago Les when I was studying vet science (an early and misguided phase) that we had to count the pelicans on the bridge lights over to Ipswich East (Redcliffe) and then develop a model to predict how many there would be in coming years. Now they have two bridges to choose from! Who woulda thunk ...
Exactly Merv, and what's not common knowledge is that the builder of the original bridge (the timber version) was old man Hornibrook who had so little regard for his engineers that he built his bridge using timber and a splash of creosote and tar rather than concrete which the engineers wanted. ... and it's still standing.
And ... what's also not common knowledge is the designer of the existing in use bridge hailed from the Northside.
Now, this very wise northside designer had three things in mind when he designed the bridge. Obviously it had to carry traffic from Brighton to the peninsular, but the two more important concerns were with those very pelicans to which you refer.
Firstly there was concern that those pelicans should only make deposits onto those traveling to Southern locals and the breeding of said pelicans should be strictly controlled to ensure that all future generations of pelicans be genetically modified to ensure that only Southside residents copped the deposits.
Hence, light stanchions only erected above the south bound lane and each stanchion only accommodate two pelicans .. hopefully one male and one female for breeding purposes.
Works a treat.
You believe me don't you?