Originally Posted by mickmate
Hey Dan, persevere on your mission, street cars are beautiful! I have a couple of dual quad manifolds here and the first one I tried fits under my hood with S&H aircleaners on it. That is an old Offy. If you need height measurements off that or the Ford one let me know. You need to chat with Frank about this a little more, he knows street cars intimately.
Mickmate - that would probably be useful. As I educate myself more on these motors I figured out there are only 2 different intake port heights except for tunnel port heads from this quote I found in a book.
"The intake ports for the MR measured 1.34 x 2.34 in. wihile the HR's ports were 1.34x2.72. Actually, the MR's port dimensions weren't anything really new, being the same as on the 1960-1962 HP 352 and 390 cid engines. The same heads were later used on the 1968 - 1970 428 CJ eninges but with smaller valves. The difference between these heads and all the others is that the MR heads used much larger valves, 2.195 in. intake and 1.73 in. exhaust."
So the 428 CJ dual quad intake that I hoped was lower than a mid rise dual quad intake, is actually the same as a mid riser intake. Blue Thunder confirmed to the builder it and the MR intake are the same height. They also said it duplicates what was used in the original Cobra (Street or SC I don't know).
Bob at ERA says a MR dual quad intake won't fit under a smooth hood so I'm not sure where I'm going with this.