These are the deposits so far
Jerry Rowley
Ruble Moore
Joe Smith
Tim Matthews
Jim Pomroy
Lorie Pomroy
Mike Iodice
Ed Kamptner
Ken Collett
Tom Jones
Chris Allen (I need your info)
Mike Chambliss
Neil McGarry( I need your E-mail and Phone #)
Terry Brannan (I need your e-mail and car info)
Deane Boothe you are in
Jeff Wetzel (Z06 Vette)
Roberta Wetzel (Z06 vette)
That makes 17 Drivers in 15 cars
My E-mail is
P.S. any members that have changed your e-mail or any other info please send me a e-mail so I can update the member list. A lot of the e-mail addresses I have do not work anymore?????