Originally Posted by RICK LAKE
mjhcobra MJ I have gone to the Volt meter. SW gauges has the match in a classic chrome ring and black backing with white needle. I don't like the idea of running 100 amps through a 60 amp gauge and having to rely on small plastic insolators to protect the whole car. I am using the PAperformace setup Heavier wiring, with a master fuseable link, regulator and complete easy instructions on how to install. If you are not running alot of power ideas the 70 amp is fine for most cars. I have 2 fuel pumps, 3 cooling fans for motor, 2 for other locations. FI system and MSD. Mt gauge is in the middle of all this power useage and gets hot. Voltmeter just taps into the charging system. You have 3 wires to install to gauge 1 power from anywhere there is a battery hot wire, 1 for ground, the other is for dash lighting. Just make sure of good connections and having a clean ground to the external regulator. I hooked my charging cable to my starter soleniod on the battery side. ONly ran it for 2 minutes found no problems. reading about 13.9 volts. Rick L.
Sounds like the simple solution, I am just have to going to get past the look of the volt meter. I am running 1 fuel pump, 1 to 3 fans for the engine, and maybe another fan for the driver-that's it. Maybe I can get away with a 70 +/- amp alternator but I don't want to shortcut myself in this department.