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Old 04-04-2010, 06:20 PM
Excaliber Excaliber is offline
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OK, let's put the hyperbole aside for a minute, I really don't understand the "rant" here about how Guv is intruding on the lives of citizens, raising taxes and creating unecessary laws with this bill. Frankly, I just don't get what the problem here is. Can someone explain it without going "all radical wing nut paranoid" in simple terms.

Here's what I see as the most important fundamental issue with this bill, "TSB's". Technical Service Bulletin's. As a professional wrench I used to live or die by those things! New TSB's are almost a constant flow from the factory to the field reporting on recent issues with a new car and proposed fixes. Now "Joe" can go down to the local Ford dealer and BUY those TSB's, at a reasonable price so he too can be up to speed on the latest info. Maybe he wants it for HIS own PERSONAL car in fact, rather than be held hostage by the dealership.

IF Toyota had made TSB's readily available, to the public, the current issues may have come to light a lot sooner than they did, with fewer deaths. Some of the TSB's are "junk", some are really important. Typically the service manager would appraise the mechanic of which ones were really important. "Joe" is on his own to figure that out, until he see's a news report about "unintended acelleration", then he might want to specifically request THAT TSB. The dealer can still screw him over though, play games, give Joe the wrong one, mess with him in general.

Last edited by Excaliber; 04-04-2010 at 06:24 PM..
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