I have tried a lot of different fixes over the years and have never been satisfied with the clutch, it's constantly overheating and a complete ***** to get into gear once hot, and reverse is almost impossible. So I'm going to brake down and run a new line over the foot box, buy a flaring kit and all that junk, and sleeve the pipe with heat reflective insulation.
One question I have is, what's the correct size of the line? Seems most stainless lines are 1/4, 3/8 or 5/16. I could measure the stock one, but I have no idea if the sizes listed are ID or OD, so that's pointless.
The other question is how is the carped attached to the inside trans tunnel? Seems the only option is to drill out a few of the rivets holding on the "look nice plating" in the engine bay and re-rivet with a clamp of some kind to hole the line. To do this, I'll need to remove the carpet. Seems it's glued in place, if so, what's the chances of ripping the carpet while I try to remove it, and what kind-a glue should be used to put it back.