I took the liberty of pasting the ad here - I hope this is kosher.
427 side oiler.. Dove alum heads,ARP head studs, Stl Manly valves,Org.2x4 Hirise intake,2x4 Holleys,BC & BD,linkage, org. Shelby valve covers, part # S7MS6582,dual point dist.,forged crank "$",LeMans rods.Arp rod bolts, Arias 10:1 forged pistons,Mellings H.V.
oil pump,Canton pan, windage tray,Edelbrock alum. waterpump, expansion tank, McLeod flywheel, clutch cover & damper. Blueprinted and balanced $8500 or B/O.
427 Arias Pistons, New in the box forged ,.017,flat tops,valve reliefs,spiral locks,Cost $528, ..$450 B/O.
New F.E. cast iron waterpump..Make offer
Don Enos Phone-day: (415) 897-8776 Phone-evening: (415) 897-8776
Hyriser54@aol.com Novato [12]
Maybe you can't use the hi rise intake - but the thing comes with a lot of stuff..and no, I don't know the person.