Originally Posted by twobjshelbys
I'm on my second wing for the drivers side - it had a crack coming from one of the screws that just "exploded" in the wind and 1/2 of it blew away onto the side of the road. The other one has a star starting on one of the lower screws. I've backed it off a little but I'm sure it will go some time.
I've thought that the glass-on-metal would cause this and that there should be some felt backing between the two. Has anyone done this? I could probably go to a glass or home place and get some of this - it would be the same thing you use on glass on tabletops to space but if there are some already cut to fit that would nice.
I also had the same issue when I was trying out glass wind wings. One of the mounting screws must have created a pressure point and a little bump caused it to shatter. I dont believe I had overtightened them either. Fortunately Finishline sells them in safety glass but it was still a lot of glass pieces that blew into me and the car as I was driving.
I would imagine if a stone hit one of them that the same thing could happen.
I ended up ordering new plexiglas windwings from Finishline and to avoid scratches, ended up being careful when cleaning them. Also Zaino sells a nice polish for plexiglas.