Not Ranked
I thought Amy was "President" of the company? All though I'm a little fuzzy on what a "president" actually does... It's not clear to me that Luft has acquired that position. Perhaps they won't fill that position, or they are looking to in the near future? Luft's specialty is marketing, that primarily is what his whole career has been about. As a specialist in marketing he would be a good fit with the new emphasis being on the "parts" division. I suspect there is more money and a longer future in selling "up-grade kits" with a Shelby name than there is in selling GT-350's or Super Snakes (espcially in view of the current financial mess were in).
There are some models that Shelby modifies "post purchase" but I'm pretty sure the new GT-350 is an all out Shelby product and you buy it that way. Just like you would buy a Saleen, right off the show room floor.
Last edited by Excaliber; 04-21-2010 at 06:50 AM..