Originally Posted by patrickt
Probably, but I'm very conservative by nature. Maybe because I've watched so many of my contemporaries go broke, bust up their marriages, etc. over the last few years because of poor financial decisions. The issue of financing a Cobra has been debated on this forum a hundred times before. I still believe that for the vast majority of men, if you can't buy your car with cash then you need to just wait. Save the money that you would be using to make your financing payments until you can just stroke the check and get what you want. What if you lose your job? How 'bout if you rupture your back so you can't get out of bed for six months? Look Al, I'm really not trying to rag on you... just trying to give you some food for thought.
So, if your marriage is rocky, no job or job prospects, your balance sheet looks all red, and you have no disability insurance, then don't do it. Otherwise, as Tom Cruise's character said in Risky Business, "sometimes you gotta say WTF."
Patrick, every thread that involves any sort of financing issue, you pee on it. In fact, I was waiting for this thread to go that direction and it too longer than I thought. Let people live their lives they want to live it.
We're unlikely to see interest rates this low again for a long time, thanks to our National debt, so I say, grab those low rates while you can.
Life is short. Patrick, come and sing along with me (warning: terrible video):