Hello All,
I already have a email out to Julie / Tom on this question but was hoping someone here can help me out.
I have the GEN III that was made in 2000 ( which I am very pleased with), before the stainless steel chassis.
I am having a problem with the gas tank that when I am filling it up it will not go to full. However, I get the indication that it is full by having the gas pump click.
The gas tank that I received from EM is their custom made aluminum 20 gallon tank. A friend pointed out that the filler tube is at the middle of the tank on the side. This could be the reason as to why I am only getting a half of a tank.
Furthermore, I refuse to believe that after all the gas tanks that EM created that I am the only one that has ran into this problem. There has got to be a resean why the filler is located at this position. I just cant see why.
I have included a picture of the gas tank to see if it matches the same tank that others have received with their replica.