Doughnuts?? Sure enough, you can see Buddy lift his nose right before taking off. Cripe, I never thought of that Fred. I should have known. That is good.
Quincy would never realise the doughnuts are gone and get down to real business like that... but he's still a pup. Older dogs know cops can't drive when there is doughnuts left.
For instance, I once shot by a speed trap at double the legal speed. But was I scared? No. The cop had a doughnut in one hand, and radar gun in the other. I knew he wouldn't chase me.
Originally Posted by Ron
That sounds like me trying to teach my pups to let me put the collar and leash on them. They would grab the collar when I laid it down and run off with it.
That's what's so remarkable about Buddy. Most dogs are just good at saving themselves.
Originally Posted by Bobcat
Wes .... who is training who ? Sounds like he is training your wife to chase him.
I know. I can't get her to chase me, and I'm easy. I'm jealous. 'Course, I'm not fixed either.
Originally Posted by trularin
Nothing against cats, but I am not sure I have ever read about a cat leading help to a victim.
I'm a dog fan.
Maybe cats are comfort animals.
We had a cat that frantically led the UPS man to our door with a new electric can-opener. Just kidding.
When I was a kid, we did have one that learned to come when called by name. She learned it while she had kittens to mind and fuss over in our entry shed.
My brother had a cat (Taco) that his daughter taught to roll over on command and shake hands on occasion. That was impressive for a cat. In my experience, they usually want the owner to stop bothering them during attempted training.