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Garage Crawl in South Suburbs
Does anyone have a little time to help a guy finish a FFR roadster in the south suburbs’? I am now in the home stretch after 3 years of rather extensive modifications and would like to take this car to London. The body is at the painters and should be done by Memorial Day.
Just a visit lending some moral support and tips on the basic Factory 5 build would help.
I am into the wiring using an AAW 15 circuit kit as my base…I have a good start on my dash but I have a lot of weatherpack connectors to crimp and solder for my lights.
Let me introduce myself: my name is Jack…Darrel Seal is a friend and lives close by and has introduced me to your club. I’ve been to London a couple times and have met a few of you there. I am a gear head and a perfectionist and I’ve been into cars all my life; I have had Corvettes, helped a friend build an A-Alterd, TF car and a Jet car and now it’s my turn. I worked for Chrysler Corp. as a Parts and Service Dist. Mgr. for several years in the 70’s and I’ve been down to Troy Trepanier’s shop a few times. The point I am making is I know my way around a garage and I am not looking for hand holding but at times a second set of hands is helpful. I have done a Lot of custom fabricating and now I am back to the basics.
I am just 5 minutes off I-294 south down Cicero (Alsip) ramp.