Not Ranked
So much for all the purists that keep on questioning every other thread about their relevance to Cobras.
If I hear "What does that have to do with Cobras?". or "in the beginning before all the riff raff showed up in here we used to talk abut Cobras, this place is going to toilet" etc. one more time, I'll throw up.
Current crowd shows the diversity of the group and their tastes, and their interests. Obviously we regard this place as a social gathering as well as a knowledgebase.
The threads that had the longest runs during the last year almost all have been subjects that had very little to do with the full intent of the forum. Yet, someone who does not like what they read, will eventually jump in and express their disdain for it. Amazing! Simply amazing.
just an spontenous editorial.
OBAMA IN in 2012
Last edited by Turk; 01-02-2002 at 10:04 PM..