..but I think we may have to ban you from this thread, too....
But, Hey...look, this is the 'Joke of The Day', right? It's posted in the Lounge, as Obergrupenfuehrer Der Brenster asked...you don't have to read it if you find anything objectionable...and indeed, there is some Cobra related material in here...well,
somewhere I'm pretty sure.
If we offend you, we're not sorry...other than to say that nowhere does it say anyone has the right to be
not offended. If you don't like what you read, simply don't read any further. After all, ClubCobra doesn't force this thread, or any other for that matter, to pop up on your screen unannounced and unexpected. You have to make a concious effort to come to this thread and read all - what it is now? - 11 pages of drivel before you realize you're offended. Hey! If it took THAT long to offend someone, then they must have been pleadin' for it.
Turk...POST AWAY, my good man. Let the Forum be the judge....just obliterate some of the letters of the words that may offend, while leaving enough to get your message across. We'll understand, and you can always delete it if it's too bad...but, hell, read the one about 'Felching'...ewwwwww!
There....editorial over. This is after all the Lounge, so let's ge back to 'lounging'....
We can talk Cobras on the other forums...okay?