I doubt this guy would touch a Mega Squirt. I did a lot of talking with him, by email. Look up integrity in the dictionary and his picture will be there. A true class act and sharp as a tack. If you get to an ECU that he would work with, you might work something out.
He might be able to stear you in the best direction to go based on what you have.
NW corner of Columbus
Brady McCoy
Service Manager
Pickups Plus Cars
(740)549-2828 Lewis Center
(614)529-1212 Hilliard
There is another guy he told me about in Mount Vernon. His web site kind of turn me off with the leagal discalaimers. But after I talked to him on the phone, I never met a nicer guy. His company is Thrill Ride Unlimited and his name is Paul.
Bottom line no good shop wants to work on some system that they waste time fighting with. The cost go too high and they know it just ends up as bad
PR for them.