Ok, not sure what to do here, or whether to do anything at all. I have a 180 degree thermostat, don't know if it is drilled or not.
My engine water temp has to hit a little over the 100C mark before the thermostat opens and then it drops like a stone to about 70C. Then it rises quickly to about the 90C mark then falls quickly back to about 80C, where it will fluctuate between 80 and 95C depending on whether I am in stop and go traffic or out on the hiway.. After the initial spikes and drops, it is very steady.
On the hiway, it will stay at about 80C and the
oil temp will be the same.
My question is this: I am always watching that initial spike as I have had the motor overheat once before, and don't want it to happen again. So, I watch this spike with trepidation as I hope and wait for it to fall. Is this normal or should I try another type of thermostat? Are there some that don't spike and fall as much or am I just going to have to live with it. The initial spike is driving me nuts!