Your first suggestion was my original thought. Get a piece of 16ga steel sheared and bent to the proper dimensions, then use the shrinker/stretcher to put the proper curve into it. The picture posted below should make it a little more clear why you can't shrink or stretch the channel in my machine. The channel inside dimension is only about 7/8 wide. Do you know of a machine that could do both sides of this and if you do, do you have a link to it? If the width of the channel was 2in or more I would be able to do both lips, the 1in lip and the 1/2in lip. I have used the machine I have for a lot of projects in the past. As long as it is an L shaped piece you can curve it in any direction imaginable. I was discussing your second option with my son and we thought that if you bent the 1in lip and then stretched it to the curve needed and bolted it into a hammer form to do the 1/2 in lip it would probably work pretty good. Certainly a lot easier to do the 1/2 in lip than the 1 inch lip because of the 16ga material. By the way, do you have your gutters made for your coupe project yet? Thanks Mark