I have done about four of them. Changed the gears and added a Truetrac in my 9" for my roadster last year. I think they are fun to do. Attention to detail is important, and don't hurry it. You need a press, and inch pound and regular pound torque wrench and a dial indicator. Gear marking compound should come with new gears. When you read the instructions you will find that bearing preload, pinion depth, and ring gear backlash all come into play to make the tooth pattern correct. I have never used a pinion depth gauge, it just takes a little longer to get it right. I made a yoke holding tool that fits a lot of differentials to take off the pinion nut and help set preload on the bearings. Some use shims others use crush sleeves on the pinion. Also buy the "complete install kit", that comes with all new bearing, shims, and seals.
If you like doing this sort of thing I suggest getting a couple of articles off the web and studying them to get an idea what it involves. You really need to understand the concepts before you begin. There are also some how to CDs available. BTW I started my career as a street cop in Fairfiled Ca. back in the early 80s,