Thanks for all the great help guys! I'll definitely be getting the measuring device - if only to be able to check and reassure myself periodically that things are the way they should be. Thanks for the link Cobranip. Yes, I have four corner adjustable coilovers. As for the manufacturer's recommendations....mine is a West Coast Cobra - the recommendations consist in a few assembly instruction sheets, a "good luck" and unanswered phone calls
About the spring platform adjustment - I remember cranking the spring platforms on my motorcycle years ago to adjust spring preload for different riding conditions. If I use this method to adjust ride height, it seems it would preload the four corners differently. Might that influence the way the car behaves too?
Questions, questions, questions.....maybe I ought to attend Wyotech on weekends
You folks are the greatest!
P.S. I still haven't found out how to make a donation to support this forum.