Originally Posted by dcdoug
But since it sounds like you need to re-tighten the nut anyway, it's not going to be perfect and you'd need to check it with a feeler gauge anyway - or does the Gapper tool both turn the adjusting screw and then hold it in the exact position while tightening the nut? I had to re-do the adjustment 2-3 times per valve until I figured out how "loose" it should be before I tightened the nut which would close the gap just that touch more to make it perfect.
If "torquing" down the nut, after you've already adjusted the lash, changes the lash then you would see it on the gauge and then you'd have to re-lash it. The Gapper does not hold the adjusting the screw for you. You still have to do everything the same way you do with a feeler gauge, but you get "real time" feedback from the gauge while you're adjusting the screw and when you're torquing down the nut (which, as we all know, changes the lash and you have to "learn" how to adjust/torque to get the right lash).