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There is another way if you don't have scales to get things in the ball park.
1. measure the ride height under the diff, remove the rear wheels and lower the rear on to a /\ under the diff, making sure it is at ride height. This takes the rear springs out of the equation.
2. disconnect the front sway bar.
3. adjust the front springs so the front is level and at the correct ride height.
4. reconnected the sway bar ensuring there is no tension on the sway bar.
5. refit the rear wheels and remove the front wheels.
6. fit the /\ under the front in the centre of the chassis, and adjust so the front ride height is correct
7. disconnect rear sway bar and adjust the rear springs so the rear is level and at the correct ride height.
8. reconnect rear sway bar insuring there is no preload/tension
9. refit rear wheels and remove the /\ from the front and you are in the ball park
researching for scratch build
Last edited by Maurice Butler; 05-25-2010 at 01:54 AM..
Reason: fixup