At the moment I have 2 Homebushs ...1 a complete roller I bought off Fleabay 8mths ago(bargain priced)...The other is a COMPLETE BODY at the at the moment sitting on what was a RCM chassis that has been completely rejigged...this is going and a purpose built space frame not too far removed from a JBL on its way!!
Reasons for the Homebush fascination....
*Pricing was GREAT!!!
*Body was being Produced buy a well known an respected Fibre-Glassing Bussiness (30 +yrs)
* MINIMAL body prep on his bodys and re-enforced in stress areas upto 10mm.
*Inner guards and Boot are formed and finished well though front inners are profiled for his Torana based Chassis.
* Styling..
*Wheel arches have a nice formed lip.
*Though one of the Vent holes is around 30mm out of posi to the other side,I have corrected.
*nicely shaped HardTop available.
*NO build manual as such ...
*No real support except for a phone call to Mr. Crane and a willingness to answer any query!...With Doug Pearce about anything is fixable!!!
*2nd Car Chassis..
* is Torana based Ladder /Spaceframe.
a good geometry to work with.(Peter Duncan's SNAKEN seems to suggest it's a good platform to work with!)
*Live axle rear.
So I hope this MEETS the definition of constructive INPUT..
They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them ....
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years- Abraham Lincoln