Originally Posted by Joe Wicked
Around here they would be begging California prisons to take them back. We have little old ladies who run thieves over for stealing their purse [url[http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local-beat/Purse-Thieves-Dont-Mess-With-This-Grandma.html[/url]. When grandma is not a vulnerable target, Thieves tend to back down a bit. I saw a report recently that after breaking up a band of home invaders, they found that they spent several hours researching a community and it's residents for gun ownership registrations. What was interesting was over course of a year the same guys hit 4 out of 7 houses on 1 block. The other 3 were registered gun owners, the 4 hit were not.
I am Registered.
Around here no honest person is supposed to protect themselves. They just arrested another of the rapists they had in prison and let out and he has now raped and murdered a woman. This within 1 week of being released. And they are laying off more and more of the police here. The police chief even retired as he felt he could no longer do the job with the few patrolmen left.