Originally Posted by csx wnab
i go with what a guy named smokey yunick used to say about oil pressure. all that is needed is10 pounds for every 1000 rpm the engine is turning. so there.
Yes, but can you really trust a guy named Smokey????? You do know all racers lie, don't you!!!!!!!!!
At 80 c and running @ 2,000 rpm the pressure is 26 psig. same at 3k and 4k . Have remote oil filter and using 12 a/n lines to the cooler. Engine runs great but the pressure seems a little low to me ??
Yes, that does seem real low to me, 26 psi at idle would be my minimum, at 2000 rpms or better your
oil pressure should be double that, regardless of oil lines/cooler...first thing you should do is check your gauge,then, I'd check with the engine builder and see what he says, ask about your bearing clearances also....