Originally Posted by Bob Broberg SPF667 460BB
I have a room by myself. I would be glad to share to bring cost down.
AZ Bob
Now I begining to worry Bob, remind me never to share a room with you even though you is a fine upstandin gent, sharin rooms with a guy just ain't on my agenda and is definately not my thing.
In Thailand they have some fine lookin "ahem" ladies that you would die for when you is juiced and six sheets into da wind up until you find out they got a whatsit between their legs and then its very embarrasing and you kick their ass big time fo wastin yo time and money and then kick em outa the room. Bob, you do not qualify you is definately a gent.
BTW I an very sorry to hear about your wife, I have been there as well with my wife several years back with breast cancer that is now in remission. Hopefully we all get to live long lives. tin-man