Kit purchased 1996; completed 2000;


Damaged 2003; stolen July 2009; recovered 1 week later totalled.
On May 27, 2010, I saw a March 3, 2010, post by Ed "DV" Combs about a Classic Cobra kit being available; I call to inquire about availability, and on May 31, 2010, I'LL TAKE IT !!
June 11, 2010, fly/drive to Pentwater, MI. to take possession of body/kit; June 17, 2010, drive/arrive in Houston, TX. to start the ressurrection.
More on the rebuild and photos to come (if I learn how to navigate this site).
In the meantime, my thanks and kindest regards to a kindred spirit Ed Combs and his lovely wife, Diane, for making this possible.