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Two weekends and I finally got the body off, and the front and rear suspension disassembled.
I forgot how much I missed the feel of fiberglass-itch; or how good the feel of cold steel is against your knuckles when that bolt breaks free / wrench slips.
I would post pictures, but for some reason the site has quit accepting uploads to my photo gallery - HELP! Verbals will have to do until I figure out the picture thing.
The body was actually cut off in three sections as help was a bit limited to remove it in one piece. The frame was more distorted than I thought. The left front end was pushed horizontally 3/8" into the shock tower and up vertically 1/2". The left rear was pushed horizontally toward the passenger compartment 1 1/2" and up vertically 1/2". Closer inspection revealed the left side motor mount was distorted (bent toward the rear of the car) 3/8".
New Griffin radiator has been delivered (old stock radiator never quite cooled very well in Houston heat); looking for new 8.8 axle housing with 3.55 gears (up from the 3.27 I had previously); good time to re-condition the calipers and turn the rotors; chrome/re-chrome hinges and miscellaneous parts; and just ordered/commited to Left and Right 3-point roll bars from Ed "DV" Combs.
By the way, the new frame was modified by previous owner - front strut mounts removed and mounting tubes inserted into lower control arm (front) positions - DV advised this is an upgrade to the Heidt's tubular control arms. No problem, parts ordered.
However, the upper control arm mounting points have also been modified:
1. The upper shock mounts(approximately 2"-3" above the top of the tower) have been removed completely;
2. The holes through which the upper shock stems pass through have been expanded from 2 1/4" to 4 1/2" in diameter. Also the circular mount for the top of the spring has been removed.
Sorry - not very savvy about this setup and would appreciate thoughts.
By the way, in addition to the above forgottens, I also forgot about how much I loved working on this car the first time with my son - and the frequent visitors "just passing by and had to stop."