Originally Posted by Bob Broberg SPF667 460BB
I had the gunnite (pool wall plaster) sprayed on that day. Boy did it dry fast!
Airplanes couldn't take off. No referrence to follow for lift at speed.
AZ Bob
The T-38s I flew then called it a day between 9 and 10 AM because it was too hot for a single engine takeoff if one engine failed. I'm sure it was similar for the big airlines. One discount airline whose name escapes me now, had apparently purchased takeoff data only for temperatures up to 120 degrees. They were the ones who had to stop when it got hotter than that. As best I recall, the low temperature those days was in the lower to mid 90s.
In the years since then I've told friends about how hot it was in the desert with these words. Here in the southeast we talk about how uncomfortable it is to get in a car on a hot day. In the desert you talk about how painful it is to the touch. It's a whole different level of hot.