Bxx1....here's a link to a vendor in California who can source the turn signal switch in the steering column...
They have two part numbers on the page referenced above...both have dimmer switches in the stalk. Be careful...some of the other part numbers don't appear to have dimmer switches in the stalk. Part number
C24-141-953-517-F lists for $149.95 and is an OEM part...it's shown further down the page listed ab
Then they also have a repop unit, part number
VWC-141-953-517-F for $49.95. It's the first one listed on the page above.
The turn signal flasher unit is located under the dash...should be a silver metal canister about 1" in diameter, and an inch and a half long, or so. I don't remember if it's a two or three prong unit, but they're both fairly cheap and available at most any auto parts store...Autozone, Kragens, O'Reillys, CarQuest, etc. If you can pull your old one out, it's easy enough to match up in the store...really a no brainer.
FYI...if your turn signals are not blinkin', I'd suspect a bad bulb first, then the blinker itself, and lastly the switch in the column... I've also seen some corrosion in the bulb socket cause problems, as well. IMHO....
Hope this helps, Brother... Holler if you need more help!
BTW...we used to live in Vacaville in the late 50's before Dad was transferred to Japan. Used to take Mom on shopping trips to I Magnum dept store in Sacto...Dad would take us kids to Sam's Hoffbrau for lunch. Good memories...