Originally Posted by SandyC
I would be concerned about dust/dirt getting under leather or vinyl spats and then having wind buffet and mechanical vibrations turn spat into sandpaper on finish. I've seen this on front bras and once you put them on you can never take them off because after awhile the finish gets sanded dull under the bra and you have unsightly gloss differential if the bra is taken off. Is this not something to be mindful of?
Sandy, My SPF came with leather spats and have been on for 2 years. After taking them off this year for cleaning, I didnt really notice the paint getting dull underneath them BUT I did notice some wear along the bottom edge where debris possibly got in and over time rubbed the paint off. Generally they fit tight with attachment at the top, a snap at the bottom and velcro in the wheel wells. Dont know if there is any way to really prevent wear spots ( maybe along possible wear edges, put some 3M clear shield?). I dont plan on taking them off but its something to be aware of.