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Old 07-07-2010, 07:29 AM
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Originally Posted by wrench87 View Post
if the compressor is making noise it is most likely the clutch that is going bad, see if there is any play in the clutch or if you have a burnt electrical smell from the clutch. jeep did have problems with the drains clogging and leaking on to the carpet, we use to drill a hole in the heater box on the passenger side and runna coat hanger through it to unclog the plug most likely form leaves and pine needles going in to the cowl screen on the passanger side then blow compressed air through it, be ready to catch the water inside once you drill the hole i have seen some fill up a 20 ounce soda bottle then just fill the hole with some silicone. the pine needles usually collect on the evap core and rot a hole in it and the smell that comes out of the vents is pretty bad. jeep use to supply a finer mesh screen so the pine needles would not get in to the box in the first place.
All good info, thanks. One thing I took notice of, the seller told me that she had most of the A/C system replaced last year, including the "inside coil", I have no idea what she was referring to, perhaps the condensor or evaporator? Would that help with the problem of clogging that you describe?
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