Originally Posted by Keithc8
That is where he started with the timing and did not change it in the computer when we went to playing with the timing. It liked about 36 to 37 total and we ran it on premium pump gas and 110 fuel on that timing and the race fuel only made about 1 or 2 HP difference. I thought it might take less timing but I guess with the dome it takes a little while for it to get over it.
Thanks, Keith
Certainly a longer path across the bore, when you have to travel over the dome. If the plug is in the center it cuts the path in half, but I see from the pictures the plug is off center. Hard to tell. I guess one would actually have to measure the hemi head verses a standard head to know what the actual distances is.
You also thought it may take less timing. In your experiance, does the distance from the plug to the far wall (length of flame travel) corrolate to shorter distance equal less timing needed.
Thanks for humoring my curiousity.