As said in my introduction, I am from Denmark. Due to the stricht rules here, I am not able to build a replica Cobra - with the real V8 engine and so on.
Due to this, I am building a Danish version of the Cobra. It will be build as a VW Beach Buggy, and yes, it also means the engine will be an aircooled engine in the back. But by building this, it is now possible to get it streetlegal. And I want a Cobra that I am able to drive...
It have taken me 6 years of seaching to find a fiberglass body. Most of the companies that makes them, will only sell them together as a whole kit. That is why it took so long.
I have also found a 2 liter engine from a VW Bus, that I will rebuild to fit this project. It will end up with around 120-130 Bhp. Not to bad, for a car that weights 600kg. I also found some old school Chevy wheels that I will use.
This project is a major one. Since the body is made for a tube frame, than NOTHING fits for the VW pan. I have to build my own frame for the pan. I have to shortn the body a bit. Pedals, gear shifter, handbrake and seats have to be moved way back. Steering linkage, has to be extended. Everything is something that nobody (in Denmark at least) have tried before.
I will post some pictures here, as the project comes along.
Btw, the first picture is from when I picked up the body. I had nothing else to drive, but my old VW Bug. Not a good idea, when the tempeture was -20 degress celcius - and no heating in the car.
What can I say, I wanted that body badly