Thread: Road Trip
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Old 07-15-2010, 01:36 PM
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Default Road Trip

I'm "forced" to go to Jackson Hole for a week for a medical conferance. I'm really looking foreward to it. The conferance looks good, and I want to spend some time in Teton NP. The weather is supposed to be picture perfect all week.

I go to a conferance somewhere every year. I usually ride the Harley; it's fun to ride and gets pretty good gas mileage. But 1200 miles on a bike can wear you out.

But this year I'v decided to drive the Roadster. We went on the Cruise Colorado trip last month, and had a great time. The car is easy to drive, comfortable, and get 20mpg. A trunk is nice, too.

It's about 600 miles one way. I could get there in one day - but where's the fun in that? I want a nice leisurly trip without having to rush or meet a schedule. I'll be taking back roads and mountain passes most of the way, and avoiding the freeway whenever possible. On the way up I'll stay overnight in Vernal, UT. On the way back I'll stop in Rawlins.

I'll post pics and info during the trip. This is going to be fun.
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