Originally Posted by DAVID GAGNARD
... he says to me: "when she looks like the picture on the wall, bring it over to my house, it's mine", I say "WHAT", he says the check in on your workbench for it.... when I finished up, I went to see this check, good golly, it was for roughly double what I would have in the car when finished!!!!!!!!!!!
I showed it to my wife and she about flipped out and said hurry and finish that damn car before he changes his mind. I kept the check for a week and thought about it and finally told my wife I couldn't do it, after spending over a year on this car, I would hate myself if I'd never got to enjoy it a little, so I told the guy so as I returned his check......told him come see me in a year or so and maybe we can deal....
Since then I've had someone make me an offer at least once a year, I really don't want to sell the car and tell them so, but if they make me "an indecent proposal", then they can have it,but it better be really indecent!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought long and hard on just how much $$$ it would take for me to part with the car and have stuck to that number when asked, anything less and I would never forgive myself, and as I said, I don't want to sell it.....one guy came by out of the blue one day and said how much, told him it wasn't for sale, but if I had to part with it, it would take $$$ this much, he said he understood and left, others pretend to be interested buyers when I know damn good and well they either can't afford it or have no intentions of buying it, just want to act like they can....To those guys I simply say: there's the car, this is the price, you want or you don't, no dickering,no nothing, buy it now or leave me alone.......
But do think long and hard about exactly how much $$$$ it would take to make you part with the car and stick to it, if you don't you may regret it later on........