When you read through the Q&A on why this stuff is so great, they put some very good point in it. I'm open minded on it. They did go over board trying to convince you on how bad water/glycol is. They also went all the way to snake
oil salesman on the cooling fan. They start by listing huge diesel engines and top it off with a fan using 52 Hp. I specified a multi stage turban blower pushing 3 psi and 1800 CFM of air with only 30 Hp. Let's get real here a 30 amp fan at 14 volts is only about 1/2 hp.
Face it, if this allowed us to run hotter, back off the fan usage and save so much fuel, the auto makers would be jumping all over this. I'm sure there is some validity, but I doubt the fuel economy is going to pay big dividends.