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What spring pressures are you running. The first thing is what material is your camshaft, is it the SADI sheet, garbage? You want the cam made from STEEL BILLET 8620 STEEL, NOT CAST SADI SHEET THAT EVERYONE SELLS!!!!!!. By the way the difference in cost is about $25.00. I know comp cams and isky uses 8620 but make sure you request. If you order a lunati from summit the sadi will show up. Deal directly with the cam manufacturer and request 8620.
When you receive your new cam you have a 50/50 chance it will be flaw free so I strongly suggest you inspect carefully for cracks and discountinuities.
I feel for you, you are about to deal with some of the stupidist, most incompetent people on the planet. In fact I would call Blykins and let him deal with the fuking idiots and get a steel billet cam with the profile he suggest. Keith Craft also sells camshaft and may have one stocked thay is right for you.