Don't know if this one has been told before, but I ain't gonna read 16 pages of this to find out...
An Air Force Chief Master Sergeant and an Army Command Sergeant Major were out on a joint exercise in the field... The Army CSM looks at the Air Force CMS and stated, "Chief, I gotta take a dump"...
The Air Force Chief looks at him and sez, "It's ok Sergeant Major, just go befind the bushes over there."
To which the CSM reponds, "But Chief, I don't have any toliet paper!"
The Chief asks, "Do you have a dollar?"
Csm quickly anwers, "Sure"
The Chief says, "well use it."
Five minutes later the CSM returns shaking $hit out of his hand and the Chief asks what happened.
The Army CSM responds, "Have you ever tried to wipe yourself with 3 quarters, 2 dimes & a nickel?"
Who says there isn't Army inteligence???