Originally Posted by patrickt
It's even shorter if you're broke because you pissed away your money on a toy you couldn't afford.
Seriously, Lumpy3339, if you are having trouble saving the money to buy an ERA outright then you'll most assuredly have trouble servicing the debt that it takes to finance it. If you've got a wife and kids, forget it. Trust me, I'm doing you a favor. Turn back now. Don't look at these cars again. If you're a bachelor, with no one other than yourself to support, then that's another story (I'd still say "No, pay cash" but you could probably twist my arm and get me to yell "uncle" on that and let you go ahead and borrow the funds.)
"I-HATE-SPF-BDR-FFR" is Patrick's garage alarm code. Steal his for free. Just PLEASE fix the roll bar "situation."
Without seeing your bio and financial statement, I'd say we can't answer your question. Cash or leverage could be OK...depending.